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Mineral Water Therapy is a Nutritional Natural Healing

Healthful Goal

You can attain and maintain homeostasis or optimum physical and mental health by restoring and maintaining a healthy mind and body with our individual and combination mineral waters because minerals are nature's ultimate healing remedy for sickness, disease, or health restoration and maintainance for living organisms.


Most people are not aware of the body's natural composition, which are mostly water and 84 Essential Minerals and Trace Elements. Furthermore, most people are not aware of what causes distress, sickness, and disease or how to heal themselves and promote good health.

Essential Minerals and Trace Elements are some of the most useable forms of the most effective disease fighters there is that has been scientifically researched, medically tested, and clinically studied to be safe and effective for all humans, animals, reptiles, plants, and multi-celled living organisms.

For thousands of years Essential Minerals and Trace Elements have been one of nature's ultimate healing remedies for sickness, disease, and/or health restoration. The body's healing begins at the cellular level where the ideal nutrition, which is Essential Minerals and Trace Elements that are in Angstrom size, assimilates into the body's trillions of cells.

The Problem

Due to the intensive agriculture practices there has been a continuing mineral depletion of our soils. Therefore, the foods we eat are lacking many Essential Minerals and Trace Elements we need for optimum physical and mental health. Furthermore, for the body to work properly it needs the proper combinations of all these Essential Minerals and Trace Elements in our daily diet to help attain and maintain homeostasis, which is a state of physiological equilibrium produced by a balance of functions and chemical compositions within the body.

The value of minerals in the support of good health is becoming more realized by thousands of individuals. Everything on earth, even earth itself, is built on a foundation of minerals. They are part of the structure of our connective and supportive tissues and are components of our hormones and enzymes, which are responsible for our biochemical life.

Did you know that our bodies can't fully utilize the vitamins and enzymes we take without the proper minerals in our diet?

The value of minerals in the support of good health is becoming more realized by thousands of individuals. Everything on earth, even earth itself, is built on a foundation of minerals. They are part of the structure of our connective and supportive tissues and are components of our hormones and enzymes, which are responsible for our biochemical life.

It is amazing that it has taken so long to realize their importance when in U.S. Senate document number 264, published in 1936 stated, "Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins, or upon the precise proportion of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume."

Trace minerals are only required in very small amounts, sometimes almost smaller than you can see with the naked eye. But this small quantity should not mean any less importance. A deficiency in any of them can be just as serious as any major mineral deficiency.

The Solution

If you have tried ionic colloidal mineral waters previously you are probably familiar with the amazing results that so many people have experienced. Colloidal Silver is perhaps the best known, but recent findings indicate that over twenty different minerals can give significant therapeutic benefits by nutritional natural healing.

First, what is the definition of ionic colloid? An ionic colloid is a particle that is in a state of division too small for normal detection and fails to settle out of the solution because of a small positive electric positive charge. Therefore, an ionic colloidal mineral is a microscopic particle of a mineral suspended in liquid, usually very pure water, and the other important characteristic of a colloidal mineral is that it should have a positive electric charge, which makes it an ion.

It is very important or necessary to know a little bit about nature's minerals and the production methods of "true ionic colloidal minerals", to be able to evaluate the quality of the many different brands of colloidal minerals on the market. Many colloidal mineral brands on the market are not ionic mineral products at all, being produced by chemical methods from mineral salts. These can be quite dangerous if overdosed or taken over an extended period of time because other compounds will be present such as nitrites, stabilizers, colorings, or preservatives.

If a product needs to be shaken prior to use or requires refrigeration it most certainly is a chemically produced mineral compound and should be avoided. It cannot be a "true ionic colloidal mineral." In fact, technically, it isn't an ionic colloid in the first place.

There are two main methods used to produce ionic colloidal minerals: a low voltage process used by small battery operated or hand-held "colloidal mineral makers" and a high voltage process used by most professional producers. The low voltage process will produce an ionic colloidal mineral water containing the range of 3-10 ppm (parts per million) and a particle size in the 0.001 - 0.005 micron range.

The ideal particle size of the minerals is in Angstroms, which is the ideal size that all the cells in the body need for assimilation to regenerate all the organs and tissues that make up body. An Angstrom is defined as a unit of length for measuring light that is 1,000,000 times smaller than a Micron.

True ionic colloidal minerals may have some bitter after taste. You cannot actually see the mineral in the liquid (sub-micron size requires an electron microscope), so be suspicious of anything visible floating in your colloidal mineral water or the discoloration of the water.

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Mineral Water Products

Combination Mineral Waters

  1. Bone Rejuvenating Water
  2. Cold and Flu Water
  3. Energizing Water
  4. Enzyme Phyto-Nutrient Water
  5. Hair, Nails & Skin Water
  6. Healing Water
  7. Multi-Mineral Water
  8. pH Balancing Water

Individual Mineral Waters

  1. Boron Water
  2. Metabolism Booster Water
  3. Calcium Water
  4. Chromium Water
  5. Cobalt Water
  6. Copper Water
  7. Germanium Water
  8. Gold Water
  9. Indium Water
  10. Iodine Water
  11. Iron Water
  12. Magnesium Water
  13. Manganese Water
  14. Molybdenum Water
  15. Platinum Water
  16. Potassium Water
  17. Selenium Water
  18. Silica Water
  19. Silver Water
  20. Sulfur Water
  21. Tin Water
  22. Vanadium Water
  23. Zinc Water