Mineral Water Store.com :: Products-Silver Water

Silver Mineral Supplement

Silver has been used for thousands of years for health care. It is believed that Silver is a systemic disinfectant and works like a secondary immune system. Since Silver kills only bacteria that is anaerobic (nitrogen breathing), the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract are immune to it due to the fact they are oxygen breathing (aerobic). "What we have actually done was rediscover the fact that Silver killed pathogens, which had been known for centuries when antibiotics were discovered, clinical uses for Silver as an antibiotic were discarded." Robert 0. Becker M.D.

Some other signs of Silver deficiency are:

Being a true colloid, the particles are extremely small, 0.01 to 0.001 microns in diameter (one micron is equal to one millionth of a meter), electrically charged, and suspended in distilled, deionized water. A flashlight held against the solution will show a light cloud containing the particles. If the silver is 99.999% pure, the liquid will have a very pale, yellowish cast. It must be stored in the dark, as with photographic paper, also containing silver, it will "turn" if left in light. A pure solution of colloidal silver does not need and should not have preservatives, stabilizers, or any additives. Note: Particles that are in angstrom, (unit of length for measuring light energy) in size cannot be seen even with a flashlight or lazar light.

The best method for producing colloidal silver is the electro-colloidal process, which is considered to be superior to those of the past. If done correctly, the colloidal particles in the suspension are within proper range of size, and are uniformly charged.

Colloidal silver has been shown to kill all one-celled, disease causing organisms tested in six minutes or less (over 650 species of bacteria, fungi and viruses have been tested, so far). The silver acts as a catalyst, disabling an enzyme these microbes require for oxygen metabolism. With a basic metabolic function shutdown, the microbes cannot mutate and consequently, cannot develop resistance to the silver.

Silver's History and the Discovery of Antibiotics

Silver was used medicinally as an antibiotic for thousands of years. In fact, it was used in ancient times, because it was known to prevent disease. It was said drinking from a silver cup or eating with silver ware could not transmit disease. Silver coins were commonly put into jars of milk and other drinks to prevent spoilage and silver containers were used to prolong freshness of foods in general. Silver was used very successfully until the early part of the 20th century as an antibiotic and prophylactic against disease. Your great grandparents probably put silver coins in milk to keep it from spoiling. However, with the introduction of antibiotics in the 1940's, the pharmaceutical companies stopped producing silver products for antibiotic use.

When scientists first discovered antibiotics, they only found them effective against a limited number of organisms (usually half a dozen or less per drug). As these microbes mutate over time, resistant strains develop, not against just one, but many antibiotics. Because of the heavy use of antibiotics, modem medicine's arsenal of weapons grows still smaller as many common as well as exotic disease causing pathogens now exhibit multiple drug resistance (MDR).

The first penicillin-resistant bacterium discovered was the one responsible for causing an epidemic in Papua, New Guinea in 1967, before the Surgeon General of the United States testified before Congress in 1969, stating, "The time has come to close the book on infectious diseases."

Resistant strains of pneumococcal pneumonia have now spread worldwide and are responsible for killing tens of thousands of elderly Americans. Pneumococcus is also the causative agent in about 50% of pediatric middle ear infections.

Often, the largest risk to patients today is not surgery that brings them to the hospital, but the nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections that are all too commonly spread by direct and indirect contact of patients and staff.

Like many other remedies of the past, colloidal silver is being rediscovered. Its powerful yet gentle and effective anti-microbial action spells death to one-celled disease causing microorganisms, yet, it is completely harmless to multi cellular animals.

Some of the more than 650 diseases and conditions that colloidal silver was used to treat successfully in the past are: acne, allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, athlete's foot, bladder inflammation, blood parasites, boils, bubonic plague, bums, cancer, candidiasis, chilblains, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, dermatitis, diabetes, dysentery, eczema, fibrosis, gastritis, gonorrhea, herpes, impetigo, indigestion, keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, Lymes disease, malaria, meningitis, neurasthenia, pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate problems, pruritus ani, psoriasis, rheumatism, scarlet fever, septicemia, shingles, skin cancer, staph and strep infections, syphilis, thyroid conditions, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma, dermatitis, warts, whooping cough, yeast infections, stomach ulcers, tuberculosis - in other words, bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. It has also been used against canine parvovirus and other veterinary diseases.

At one time, the FDA stated that because colloidal silver was a pre1938 drug (by fifty years), it could continue to be marketed in the same manner as before 1938. However, they reversed this stance in a subsequent statement. Because of the latest FDA ruling, one can discuss colloidal silver's ability to kill Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and 650 other microbes, but, one cannot make any claims that it will cure any of the diseases these organisms cause, such as cold, cough, flu, strep throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, infections, etc. Regardless of what diseases colloidal silver cured, or what research was done prior to 1938, claims about colloidal silver's efficacy against diseases cannot be made today without going through the long, expensive FDA drug approval process. Meanwhile, more and more organisms become resistant to today's antibiotics.

Due to the intensive agriculture practices there has been a continuing mineral depletion of our soils, the average diet today is deficient in many of the healthful essential minerals and trace elements.

Silver has been used for thousands of years for health care. It is believed that Silver is a systemic disinfectant and works like a secondary immune system. Since Silver kills only bacteria that is anaerobic (nitrogen breathing), the friendly bacteria in the digestive tract are immune to it due to the fact they are oxygen breathing (aerobic). "What we have actually done was rediscover the fact that Silver killed pathogens, which had been known for centuries when antibiotics were discovered, clinical uses for Silver as an antibiotic were discarded." Robert 0. Becker M.D.

There is an adult Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for silver - yet it is mysteriously absent from the ingredients on multiple vitamin and mineral supplements. Scientific research done in the 1940's and 1960's showed that average normal diets included 50 - 100mcg of silver.

A few of the many ways Colloidal Silver has been used as a safe, non-drug, and home remedy for years:

Other Uses For Silver:

NOTE: Store Colloidal Sliver and other colloidal minerals away from electric and magnetic fields.

NOTE: This product is completely absorbable, will not interfere with any medications, and suitable for vegetarian and hypoallergenic applications. Using minerals in higher concentrations and combinations offers some of the most powerful healing benefits known to man because of their ability to eliminate sickness and disease. Due to the many variables in the metabolism of each individual striving for homeostasis the healing response time using the dietary mineral supplements will vary from person to person. Some people have remarkable results while other people are unable to notice any effects during the same time period.
mineral water

Mineral Supplement Products

Combination Mineral Supplements

  1. Bone Rejuvenating Mineral Supplement
  2. Metabolism Booster Mineral Supplement
  3. Cold and Flu Mineral Supplement
  4. Energizing Mineral Supplement
  5. Enzyme Phyto-Nutrient Mineral Supplement
  6. Hair, Nails & Skin Mineral Supplement
  7. Healing Mineral Supplement
  8. Multi-Mineral Mineral Supplement
  9. pH Balancing Mineral Supplement

Individual Mineral Supplements

  1. Boron Mineral Supplement
  2. Calcium Mineral Supplement
  3. Chromium Mineral Supplement
  4. Cobalt Mineral Supplement
  5. Copper Mineral Supplement
  6. Germanium Mineral Supplement
  7. Gold Mineral Supplement
  8. Indium Mineral Supplement
  9. Iodine Mineral Supplement
  10. Iron Mineral Supplement
  11. Magnesium Mineral Supplement
  12. Manganese Mineral Supplement
  13. Molybdenum Mineral Supplement
  14. Platinum Mineral Supplement
  15. Potassium Mineral Supplement
  16. Selenium Mineral Supplement
  17. Silica Mineral Supplement
  18. Silver Mineral Supplement
  19. Sulfur Mineral Supplement
  20. Tin Mineral Supplement
  21. Vanadium Mineral Supplement
  22. Zinc Mineral Supplement